Hey, thanks for playing our game! We enjoyed your gameplay and your commentary and reactions.
We agree with you, no one should take that route and that's why we made this game so that people take note of the subtle signs of suffering of an individual.
This is a solid little horror experience that you have here. The premise is quite sad and I hope the team didn't have these feelings or the people you know. I'd appreciate it if you'd check out my video here.
It seems you had voice volume issues and some other audio and visual bugs that we had fixed in our latest bug, make sure you always download the latest version because it has the least bugs. That said we're glad it didn't ruin your experience as much. We are very happy to see you still appreciate a lot of things about it! :D
Don't worry, none of us were suicidal but I think all of us go through this sort of times in our life when a lot of things feel hopeless. I think you are going through a similar conflict with your parents. Don't back down and always pursue what you like. So glad to come across another game developer! ^.^
Hello team at Missing Guns Studio. I thought it was great. Definitely got me good on some parts haha (I do laugh when I get freaked out at times). Then as many have said, definitely threw a curveball. I put it on my page too. I enjoyed it, and I hope there's more projects to come. Good job.
Hey, thank you for checking out our game! We watched your gameplay, we really enjoyed watching your reactions. It's responses and gameplay reactions like these which have conveyed to us that we have made something people are enjoying and finding one or the other aspect of it relative to them and we couldn't be happier. Thank you again :)
Okay- I gotta be completely honest right now- I started playing the game and in the begining and started thinking, "This isn't what I thought it would be.." But then whenever the shadowy figure showed up the second time and I saw the drawings on the wall, I loved it! When the game ended, I was like- "BOI I WAS GETTING SO INTO IT!!!" I loved it SOOO much! The ending took me by surprise, and I think you did a fanastic job making it! Also the story made behind it was pretty...Uhh...Sad, but it was still relly good! Again, you did an amazing job with this game! Keep up the great work on (maybe) future games! :))))
WOW!! The ending was pretty shocking, definitely an eye opener. over all its a great game. I also appericate the message as a mother of 2 I have delt with attempted suicide,( with my oldest ) and yes its absolutely true that you have to be involved , open and understanding when it comes to your childrens lives. stay vigil, let them know its okay to live the life that they want to because at the end of the day , it's their decision... let them live their BEST LIFE! So with that thank you!
We are very sorry to hear that you had personal experience with such a thing but also glad to hear that the attempt was unsuccessful. Being a parent is very hard, there is no guide to parenting. But as you mentioned, being involved and understanding goes a long way. As a parent, we are there to guide and not control and if the child is not doing anything harmful, they should be allowed to choose their path, no matter how difficult it is. We should become their confidence.
We are overjoyed to hear that you liked our game and found it insightful! ^.^
Yes, you guessed it right. Nikki was already a spirit from the start of the game who wandered around and later found out that she already hung herself that night. The other ghost that we saw is just an evil one trying to consume her soul.
Hi, thank you for playing our game! We feel humbled that you liked the concept.
Your speech was not only informative but also very interesting! We wholeheartedly agree that us humans should not always expect happiness. What we should pursue is balance - a mixed goodie bag of happiness and sorrow. Everyone goes through suffering, there is no one who can avoid it. But sometimes, we get stuck in a head space from which we are unable to get out of. All the positive things in the world seem like a lie and such a state also renders us unable to reach out to the world. That is what it feels like to be in depression.
Our aim was to show how subtle the signs of a suffering person are, coupled with the fact that Nikki had no friends or anyone else to rely on, such a state gives a HIGH chance for a person to become completely hopeless and give up on life. It's not necessary that any person like Nikki might have depression or be suicidal but it would sure signal people around to take note and be caring towards such a person.
Thank you for sharing your opinion as an evolutionary biologist, it was very insightful! ^.^
Thanks for appreciating the 'speech' XD. Good to know what the aim was. It is difficult for creators to handle this subjectmatter in a proper way. I felt that that the netflix series '13 reasons why' for example was handling it the wrong way. It came across as romanticising suicide and there was an uptick in suicides by fragile people who had watched the show.
The talk at the end was actually around 25 minutes but i had to cut a lot out and i did go into how fragile a person can be stuck in that headspace so i totally agree. I have personal experiences with depression and suicidal tendencies and that's also why i was so careful when it comes to my talk at the end. Currently i'm working as a social worker and i have studied psychology as well so i'm dealing with a lot of different cases that are unique linked to the subject matter. There are indeed people who don't display any signs of depression or being suicidal that eventually decide to give up on life duo to multiple circumstances. I agree that people should be attentive when it comes to subtle signs.
It was a pleasure to play the game. It looks fantastic and i'm impressed that this is the first game. Looking forward towards the future projects!!
Yes, the Netflix series did a bad job and got a lot of hate, very sorry to hear the number of suicides go high because of it...it's a very delicate topic which should not be touched if one has bad storytelling skills.
So sorry to hear that you have dealt with this sort of thing but due to your current study and work, we're sure that not only you but the people around you will feel better and benefit from your profession. Depression is complicated because it comes in a variety of manner due to variety of reasons and is visible in a variety of ways but we hope you will overcome those hurdles for yourself and the people who depend on you. Always remember that no one is alone, especially in this age of internet. ^.^
This game really got me thinking, I didn't expect the ending or the story progression and honestly left me speechless afterwards. I can't believe this is your first game! My play through starts at 5:08
Thank you so much! Yes it is indeed our first game and we've been awestruck by gust of response from all of you who have played and shared our game with your audience. Thank you!
I had the pleasure of reviewing your game. I did a blog post as well as a YouTube Video. I really hope this helps you get more players! Wonderful game! Actually left me speechless!
Wow! A review! We're truly humbled! Thank you so much for putting your time in writing this, we loved the review and your gameplay reactions!
Our main goal was always just to try and tell a story through gameplay. We really appreciate how everyone including you took your time introspect the game explore the theme further.
You are so very welcome! The review is actually starting to rank in google and may even bring you more players!! :) Keep making games, you guys have what it takes.
I was completely caught off guard by this game, well done! I feel like it captured the mindset of people in these situations well and I got pretty emotional lol
Glad to know you enjoyed our first game. We were sorry to see you become emotional mainly because it seemed as if it reminded you of one of the stages of your life. I really hope you are doing much better now. Our game is not meant to remind or trigger depressed people but for people around them to notice the subtle signs of a person who's suffering. We made sure to put a proper disclaimer because the intention of this game was not to hurt but to help people understand and reach out a person in need. Nikki is already dead when you press start in the game, you wander around as a soul, see evil spirits trying to consume you and finally reach your room where you remember that you took your life that night.
The aesthetic here was on point, and the storytelling was well done! I liked the usage of environmental interactions to tell the story and the few scares that were in the game were executed really nicely! The ending was completely unexpected (and actually pretty dark) as well. Nice work!
We were delighted to see through your game-play how much you appreciated it. You guessed it right! When you start the game, you are already dead and are just a wandering soul, you just remember it when you get back to your room.
You have a great voice and it really enhanced the experience!
Hey, thank you for downloading and enjoying our game! Your game-play was hilarious and we enjoyed watching it a lot. :D
We also wanted to make this a longer game but well, constraints and we didn't want to risk making a bad first game. But still, glad to hear you loved it for however much it was! ^.^
Thanks so much for making this game and congrats on getting it released!
With that said, I´m very impressed about the fact you guys told a story within just a few minutes, I enjoyed so much the design of the game: how you would interact with things, the voice acting was pretty neat, the creature so cool looking. I finished your game with mixed feelings, but will always say a massive, bold & underlined NO to that reality. Ended my video with a small reflection.
It was indeed a challenge to not only make a game that only scares you under 2 min (not all get scared but yeah) but also leaves some impression on the player. We also agree to a massive NO to that reality, no one should go through that fate which is why we made this game - to show the subtle signs of a person suffering because not everyone is expressive around us.
We are glad to know you enjoyed it and had something to reflect on! :)
I'm kinda...shocked. First of all, I liked this game a lot. I liked the graphics, sounds (voice acting), environment and the "monster design" as well as the design of the father and also not to forget, I liked the font a lot and it fit really well here. It's a very dark game...especially the ending. I hope none of you actually feel that way... Thank you for this experience.
Thank you for downloading our game. We are flattered by your detailed review and that you liked this game a lot. A lot of thought went to each thing that you mentioned so it gives us great joy when someone notices those details. It is indeed a dark game and it covers the psyche of people who go through depression/suicidal tendencies along with the surprise element of the fact that we are already dead when we start this game.
Hi, thank you for checking out our game! We are glad to know that you appreciate the turn it took because there are too many games just focusing on scaring the player without any twists.
Hey, thank you for checking out our game! We know it is a bit traumatizing (hence the disclaimer) and it's not everyone's cup of tea. In case the story wasn't evident, you can find the explanation in one of the comments below.
Don't worry, your guess was right. We are Asian, it's not racist to guess someone's ethnicity based on their unique way of speaking, it's called being close to accurate! :D
game doesn't like my monitor's resolution (1280x1024) :'( don't know what engine you use, but if possible it'd be nice to have a launcher that lets you pick resolution and windowed mode
that said, i still enjoyed all of the game that i was able to experience! the lighting on everything was beautiful, as were so many other aspects of the visual design - the terrace with its punctuation marks of white flowers in the darkness, the walls overlaid with Nikki's drawings after her first encounter with the ghost, and of course, the ending. i look forward to whatever you go on to make.
We are very sorry to know you had resolution problems. This game has been made in Unreal Engine, it is the first time we came together and made a game so even though there were not many artistic or story difficulties, we did have technical issues and bugs. We learnt a lot in this project and will definitely fix all these issues in our next game.
Thank you for playing our game, we are delighted to know that you enjoyed it!
In case this clears your confusion, you wake up as Nikki's soul rather than Nikki herself, who has forgotten that she took her life that night. Her soul wanders in her house in thirst. On the terrace she sees other souls but they are evil and want to consume her. When she goes downstairs scared, she hears her mother crying and finds out that she isn't alive anymore.
Hope that made a bit more enjoyable for you! Thank you for playing our game! :)
I felt such an array of emotions playing this. The ending was so unexpected. A nice, quick little bite of horror to send chills down my spine, coupled with a dark and sad ending, made this a profound experience. Great game!
Really good looking game. Although it was short, it was intense and that ending - all I can say is WOW, I was not expecting that ending at all. Nice work Missing Guns Studio, I look forward to seeing what you have in store for the future.
love the atmosphere, the voice acting and the grahpics, the only problem I'm having is, everytime the ghost appeared, my fps start to drop, but overall it's a great game!
Loved the atmosphere and setting of the game. Ending was really sudden but don't know if its just me or i didn't really get the point of the ghoul/ghost that appeared. Its a really well made short horror game but i was genuinely more confused than scared at the end. Really well made though
Ok guys, you are more than friends making games here; you are pros! And bigger projects need to happen! If it wasn’t for Mawn’s short length, I’d swear I was sitting down for a professionally-made, multi-hour horror production. It looks great, it feels very nice to control, whether with keys or a game pad, and has an amazing atmosphere! Mawn’s story is incredibly deep stuff that pulls at the heart strings, even though the experience is so brief. The voice performance is great; it doesn’t take long to form a bond with the main character. I can’t wait to see what you guys do next, because I’ll be in line early to play it!
Hey, thank you for playing our game, we absolutely loved your playthrough. It really encouraged and inspired us to push ourselves further.
You got us, we're somewhat alright with what we do and our end goal is to able to create games that everyone can enjoy without being burdened by a condition to mandatorily pay for them.
We all come from backgrounds where we didn't really have much access to quality paid games. Growing up we all have an ambition to provide the experiences we got pretty late in our life.
Mawn was our first step in making a self contained narrative. We really wanted to make sure we can finish our first game and thus we decided to keep it short. :) We really value experiences that give all they have and don't overstay their welcome.
Thank you so much for your positively infectious words for our work. We'll put it to good use!
Thank you for checking out our game, we saw your playthrough - Thank you for returning the favor by scaring us with your screeches! No joke - we all jumped twice! XD
Thank you so much for playing, we watched your playthrough, it was so entertaining, it felt like we were watching jacksepticeye play it. Great energy, great commentary! Thank you again! :)
A short, tense horror game focused around ambience and build up. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and I love when games talk about difficult subjects like mental health and raise awareness of it. So hat's off to you, devs. The only thing I'd have to complain about is lack of sliders / adjustments. Would love to be able to change dialogue / ambience volume. Looking forward to what projects you and your team come up with in the future!
← Return to game
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this was a really cool short game
Hey, thanks for playing our game! We enjoyed your gameplay and your commentary and reactions.
We agree with you, no one should take that route and that's why we made this game so that people take note of the subtle signs of suffering of an individual.
Hope you enjoyed it! ^.^
This is a solid little horror experience that you have here. The premise is quite sad and I hope the team didn't have these feelings or the people you know. I'd appreciate it if you'd check out my video here.
Hi, thanks for playing the game!
It seems you had voice volume issues and some other audio and visual bugs that we had fixed in our latest bug, make sure you always download the latest version because it has the least bugs. That said we're glad it didn't ruin your experience as much. We are very happy to see you still appreciate a lot of things about it! :D
Don't worry, none of us were suicidal but I think all of us go through this sort of times in our life when a lot of things feel hopeless. I think you are going through a similar conflict with your parents. Don't back down and always pursue what you like. So glad to come across another game developer! ^.^
Once again, thank you so much!
Hello team at Missing Guns Studio. I thought it was great. Definitely got me good on some parts haha (I do laugh when I get freaked out at times). Then as many have said, definitely threw a curveball. I put it on my page too. I enjoyed it, and I hope there's more projects to come. Good job.
Hey, thank you for checking out our game! We watched your gameplay, we really enjoyed watching your reactions.
It's responses and gameplay reactions like these which have conveyed to us that we have made something people are enjoying and finding one or the other aspect of it relative to them and we couldn't be happier. Thank you again :)
The effects or how you created the shadow was great, haha!
Okay- I gotta be completely honest right now- I started playing the game and in the begining and started thinking, "This isn't what I thought it would be.." But then whenever the shadowy figure showed up the second time and I saw the drawings on the wall, I loved it! When the game ended, I was like- "BOI I WAS GETTING SO INTO IT!!!" I loved it SOOO much! The ending took me by surprise, and I think you did a fanastic job making it! Also the story made behind it was pretty...Uhh...Sad, but it was still relly good! Again, you did an amazing job with this game! Keep up the great work on (maybe) future games! :))))
Thank you so much! Your feedback means a lot to us and the direction in which we aim to go, we're thrilled that you had a nice time. Thank you :)
WOW!! The ending was pretty shocking, definitely an eye opener. over all its a great game. I also appericate the message as a mother of 2 I have delt with attempted suicide,( with my oldest ) and yes its absolutely true that you have to be involved , open and understanding when it comes to your childrens lives. stay vigil, let them know its okay to live the life that they want to because at the end of the day , it's their decision... let them live their BEST LIFE! So with that thank you!
Hi, thank you so much for playing our game!
We are very sorry to hear that you had personal experience with such a thing but also glad to hear that the attempt was unsuccessful. Being a parent is very hard, there is no guide to parenting. But as you mentioned, being involved and understanding goes a long way. As a parent, we are there to guide and not control and if the child is not doing anything harmful, they should be allowed to choose their path, no matter how difficult it is. We should become their confidence.
We are overjoyed to hear that you liked our game and found it insightful! ^.^
make more games
Thank you for playing! We are happy you like it!!
make more and send for me to make more video on it i very like your buldings
Never expected how this will end.
Here's the video
Hi, thanks for downloading our game!
Yes, you guessed it right. Nikki was already a spirit from the start of the game who wandered around and later found out that she already hung herself that night. The other ghost that we saw is just an evil one trying to consume her soul.
We are glad to know you liked it!
The ending got me hard, holy crap!
Hey, thanks for playing our game, hope you enjoyed it. We loved to see your gameplay and reactions! ^.^
P.S. you posted the wrong link so we went to your channel and checked it out!
oh my bad!
It went form scary to very depressing (in a good way). Great concept! not many games can make me give a speech at the end XD
Hi, thank you for playing our game! We feel humbled that you liked the concept.
Your speech was not only informative but also very interesting! We wholeheartedly agree that us humans should not always expect happiness. What we should pursue is balance - a mixed goodie bag of happiness and sorrow. Everyone goes through suffering, there is no one who can avoid it. But sometimes, we get stuck in a head space from which we are unable to get out of. All the positive things in the world seem like a lie and such a state also renders us unable to reach out to the world. That is what it feels like to be in depression.
Our aim was to show how subtle the signs of a suffering person are, coupled with the fact that Nikki had no friends or anyone else to rely on, such a state gives a HIGH chance for a person to become completely hopeless and give up on life. It's not necessary that any person like Nikki might have depression or be suicidal but it would sure signal people around to take note and be caring towards such a person.
Thank you for sharing your opinion as an evolutionary biologist, it was very insightful! ^.^
Thanks for appreciating the 'speech' XD. Good to know what the aim was. It is difficult for creators to handle this subjectmatter in a proper way. I felt that that the netflix series '13 reasons why' for example was handling it the wrong way. It came across as romanticising suicide and there was an uptick in suicides by fragile people who had watched the show.
The talk at the end was actually around 25 minutes but i had to cut a lot out and i did go into how fragile a person can be stuck in that headspace so i totally agree. I have personal experiences with depression and suicidal tendencies and that's also why i was so careful when it comes to my talk at the end. Currently i'm working as a social worker and i have studied psychology as well so i'm dealing with a lot of different cases that are unique linked to the subject matter. There are indeed people who don't display any signs of depression or being suicidal that eventually decide to give up on life duo to multiple circumstances. I agree that people should be attentive when it comes to subtle signs.
It was a pleasure to play the game. It looks fantastic and i'm impressed that this is the first game. Looking forward towards the future projects!!
Yes, the Netflix series did a bad job and got a lot of hate, very sorry to hear the number of suicides go high because of it...it's a very delicate topic which should not be touched if one has bad storytelling skills.
So sorry to hear that you have dealt with this sort of thing but due to your current study and work, we're sure that not only you but the people around you will feel better and benefit from your profession. Depression is complicated because it comes in a variety of manner due to variety of reasons and is visible in a variety of ways but we hope you will overcome those hurdles for yourself and the people who depend on you. Always remember that no one is alone, especially in this age of internet. ^.^
Once again, thank you for enjoying our game! :)
Love the game, took the darkest turn, very well made
Hey, thanks for checking out our game. We watched your playthrough and it was really entertaining! :)
This game really got me thinking, I didn't expect the ending or the story progression and honestly left me speechless afterwards. I can't believe this is your first game! My play through starts at 5:08
Thank you so much! Yes it is indeed our first game and we've been awestruck by gust of response from all of you who have played and shared our game with your audience. Thank you!
I had the pleasure of reviewing your game. I did a blog post as well as a YouTube Video. I really hope this helps you get more players! Wonderful game! Actually left me speechless!
Wow! A review! We're truly humbled! Thank you so much for putting your time in writing this, we loved the review and your gameplay reactions!
Our main goal was always just to try and tell a story through gameplay. We really appreciate how everyone including you took your time introspect the game explore the theme further.
Thank you so much for your amazing review! :)
You are so very welcome! The review is actually starting to rank in google and may even bring you more players!! :) Keep making games, you guys have what it takes.
I was completely caught off guard by this game, well done! I feel like it captured the mindset of people in these situations well and I got pretty emotional lol
Hi, thank you for downloading our game!
Glad to know you enjoyed our first game. We were sorry to see you become emotional mainly because it seemed as if it reminded you of one of the stages of your life. I really hope you are doing much better now. Our game is not meant to remind or trigger depressed people but for people around them to notice the subtle signs of a person who's suffering. We made sure to put a proper disclaimer because the intention of this game was not to hurt but to help people understand and reach out a person in need. Nikki is already dead when you press start in the game, you wander around as a soul, see evil spirits trying to consume you and finally reach your room where you remember that you took your life that night.
We pray for your well-being, take care!
The aesthetic here was on point, and the storytelling was well done! I liked the usage of environmental interactions to tell the story and the few scares that were in the game were executed really nicely! The ending was completely unexpected (and actually pretty dark) as well. Nice work!
I give this a 9/10!
Thank you so much for taking time to play and analyse our game. It really helps us understand the players and ourselves better. :)
Strong topics, great game.
Thank you so much! We loved your playthrough and reactions.
Hey, thank you for downloading our game!
We were delighted to see through your game-play how much you appreciated it. You guessed it right! When you start the game, you are already dead and are just a wandering soul, you just remember it when you get back to your room.
You have a great voice and it really enhanced the experience!
Love, love , loved it.
Wish it was longer. Hope to see more from this dev!
Hey, thank you for downloading and enjoying our game! Your game-play was hilarious and we enjoyed watching it a lot. :D
We also wanted to make this a longer game but well, constraints and we didn't want to risk making a bad first game. But still, glad to hear you loved it for however much it was! ^.^
I completely understand! I hope the good reception this is getting will convince you to make a longer game!
Personally I would love if you guys went further with this story, so much potential. You guys will see me the first to be on top of it!
We are very humbled to hear that. Yes, we will focus on longer games without deadline now :D
I was waiting for a jump scare game, bu this took a shocking twist on the horror of reality. Ending was definitely unexpected.
Thank you for playing our game! We enjoyed your gameplay and reactions :D
We are very glad to know you liked our game, too!
Thanks so much for making this game and congrats on getting it released!
With that said, I´m very impressed about the fact you guys told a story within just a few minutes, I enjoyed so much the design of the game: how you would interact with things, the voice acting was pretty neat, the creature so cool looking. I finished your game with mixed feelings, but will always say a massive, bold & underlined NO to that reality. Ended my video with a small reflection.
Thank you very much for playing our game!
It was indeed a challenge to not only make a game that only scares you under 2 min (not all get scared but yeah) but also leaves some impression on the player.
We also agree to a massive NO to that reality, no one should go through that fate which is why we made this game - to show the subtle signs of a person suffering because not everyone is expressive around us.
We are glad to know you enjoyed it and had something to reflect on! :)
Thanks again and I hope you guys make more games, I was actually very impressed on the quality.
Thank you for the encouragement, we will definitely make more games!
I'm kinda...shocked. First of all, I liked this game a lot. I liked the graphics, sounds (voice acting), environment and the "monster design" as well as the design of the father and also not to forget, I liked the font a lot and it fit really well here. It's a very dark game...especially the ending.
I hope none of you actually feel that way...
Thank you for this experience.
Thank you for downloading our game. We are flattered by your detailed review and that you liked this game a lot. A lot of thought went to each thing that you mentioned so it gives us great joy when someone notices those details. It is indeed a dark game and it covers the psyche of people who go through depression/suicidal tendencies along with the surprise element of the fact that we are already dead when we start this game.
Thank you so much for your high rating! ^.^
My reaction took a hard turn than what i was expecting on this game!!! AWESOME GAME!!!! GREAT GAMEPLAY!!!
Thank you for downloading our game! It is a pleasure to know that you found it awesome! :D
KEEP MAKING MORE GAMES AND LET ME KNOW!!!! I will be happy to play them!!!
We will! Thank you for encouraging us!!
This is a pretty fun experience to be quite honest. Hope to play more games from you on my channel soon!
P.S if you enjoyed this feel free to like and subscribe and press that bell button! Peace!
Hi, thanks for checking out our game. We are more than happy to know that you enjoyed it! ^.^
you are welcome!
I really love when a horror game finds a way to make you feel something other than being scared, loved it!
Hi, thank you for checking out our game! We are glad to know that you appreciate the turn it took because there are too many games just focusing on scaring the player without any twists.
Very glad to know you enjoyed it! ^.^
Hey, thank you for checking out our game! We know it is a bit traumatizing (hence the disclaimer) and it's not everyone's cup of tea. In case the story wasn't evident, you can find the explanation in one of the comments below.
Don't worry, your guess was right. We are Asian, it's not racist to guess someone's ethnicity based on their unique way of speaking, it's called being close to accurate! :D
Once again, thank you for playing!
game doesn't like my monitor's resolution (1280x1024) :'( don't know what engine you use, but if possible it'd be nice to have a launcher that lets you pick resolution and windowed mode
that said, i still enjoyed all of the game that i was able to experience! the lighting on everything was beautiful, as were so many other aspects of the visual design - the terrace with its punctuation marks of white flowers in the darkness, the walls overlaid with Nikki's drawings after her first encounter with the ghost, and of course, the ending. i look forward to whatever you go on to make.
We are very sorry to know you had resolution problems. This game has been made in Unreal Engine, it is the first time we came together and made a game so even though there were not many artistic or story difficulties, we did have technical issues and bugs. We learnt a lot in this project and will definitely fix all these issues in our next game.
Thank you for playing our game, we are delighted to know that you enjoyed it!
I got a bit confused while playing this but was pretty creepy.
In case this clears your confusion, you wake up as Nikki's soul rather than Nikki herself, who has forgotten that she took her life that night. Her soul wanders in her house in thirst. On the terrace she sees other souls but they are evil and want to consume her. When she goes downstairs scared, she hears her mother crying and finds out that she isn't alive anymore.
Hope that made a bit more enjoyable for you! Thank you for playing our game! :)
It did thank you for explaining it for me.
I felt such an array of emotions playing this. The ending was so unexpected. A nice, quick little bite of horror to send chills down my spine, coupled with a dark and sad ending, made this a profound experience. Great game!
Thank you for your kind comments! We're happy you had vibrant experience with our game! :)
Really good looking game. Although it was short, it was intense and that ending - all I can say is WOW, I was not expecting that ending at all. Nice work Missing Guns Studio, I look forward to seeing what you have in store for the future.
Thank you sooo much! We're excited for what's next as well! :D
Really dark, love it!
Thank you ^.^
love the atmosphere, the voice acting and the grahpics, the only problem I'm having is, everytime the ghost appeared, my fps start to drop, but overall it's a great game!
Thank you for playing our game, we enjoyed your playthrough!
Thanks for notifying about the fos drop, we'll see what we can fix to make it better. :)
Loved the atmosphere and setting of the game. Ending was really sudden but don't know if its just me or i didn't really get the point of the ghoul/ghost that appeared. Its a really well made short horror game but i was genuinely more confused than scared at the end. Really well made though
Thanks for checking out our game!
As for the ghost, the idea was to hint that Nikki is dead, because as looming spirit can see other spirits, good or bad.
That and the fact that her mom did not respond when she yelled "ya mom, it's just me."
Ok guys, you are more than friends making games here; you are pros! And bigger projects need to happen! If it wasn’t for Mawn’s short length, I’d swear I was sitting down for a professionally-made, multi-hour horror production. It looks great, it feels very nice to control, whether with keys or a game pad, and has an amazing atmosphere! Mawn’s story is incredibly deep stuff that pulls at the heart strings, even though the experience is so brief. The voice performance is great; it doesn’t take long to form a bond with the main character. I can’t wait to see what you guys do next, because I’ll be in line early to play it!
Hey, thank you for playing our game, we absolutely loved your playthrough. It really encouraged and inspired us to push ourselves further.
You got us, we're somewhat alright with what we do and our end goal is to able to create games that everyone can enjoy without being burdened by a condition to mandatorily pay for them.
We all come from backgrounds where we didn't really have much access to quality paid games. Growing up we all have an ambition to provide the experiences we got pretty late in our life.
Mawn was our first step in making a self contained narrative. We really wanted to make sure we can finish our first game and thus we decided to keep it short. :) We really value experiences that give all they have and don't overstay their welcome.
Thank you so much for your positively infectious words for our work. We'll put it to good use!
Sorry for the late reply, thank you so much for playing our game. Hope you enjoyed it! ^.^
I look forward to future games you make
thanks for letting me play
Thank you so much for checking out our game! :)
This game was a great mixture of horror and real life. Amazing job keep it up.
Thank you for checking out our game, we saw your playthrough - Thank you for returning the favor by scaring us with your screeches! No joke - we all jumped twice! XD
THIS GAME MADE ME SCREAM MULTIPLE TIMES and made my video much better haha. I start playing at 4:40
Thank you so much for playing, we watched your playthrough, it was so entertaining, it felt like we were watching jacksepticeye play it. Great energy, great commentary! Thank you again! :)
Man, I wish I could download it
Let us guess, Mac problem?
We apologize but none of us in the team have a Mac so we could not build for it.
can i know system requirements to play this game ?
Can you share your system specs? This game doesn't require high specs so you should be good!
Intel pentium G630 ,3gb ram ,no graphic card
Hey, i can help you for your next updates =), look that,
your welcome !Thank you, we have been collecting all possible fixable issues through youtube.We'll be patching them out ASAP.
A short, tense horror game focused around ambience and build up. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and I love when games talk about difficult subjects like mental health and raise awareness of it. So hat's off to you, devs. The only thing I'd have to complain about is lack of sliders / adjustments. Would love to be able to change dialogue / ambience volume. Looking forward to what projects you and your team come up with in the future!
Thank you so much for checking out our game! We loved your playthrough.
And thank you so much for the feedback, we'll make sure to implement it ^.^
Really happy to know you enjoyed the game.